Exploring the Australian Federal Budget 2024-25: Key Highlights

The Australian Federal Budget for 2024-25 is a comprehensive financial plan that addresses a wide range of national priorities. Here are some key highlights:

Tax Cuts for Every Australian Taxpayer

Starting 1 July 2024, the government will implement significant tax cuts to provide financial relief and encourage greater workforce participation:

  • 19% tax rate reduced to 16%
  • 32.5% tax rate reduced to 30%
  • Increase in the income threshold for the 37% tax rate from $120,000 to $135,000
  • Increase in the income threshold for the 45% tax rate from $180,000 to $190,000

These changes aim to ease cost-of-living pressures, particularly for middle-income Australians, and return bracket creep, which ensures that taxpayers do not move into higher tax brackets purely due to inflation. This initiative will support an estimated 13.6 million taxpayers, with a significant portion of the benefits directed towards women and low- to middle-income earners.

Responsible Cost-of-Living Relief

The tax changes are designed to provide meaningful cost-of-living relief without contributing to inflationary pressures. By allowing Australians to retain more of their earnings, the government aims to boost disposable income and reduce the financial strain on households.

Boosting Labour Supply

The tax cuts are expected to significantly boost labour supply by increasing take-home pay, thus reducing disincentives for working additional hours. The government estimates an increase in labour supply equivalent to approximately 25,000 full-time jobs, with a substantial portion driven by women and individuals earning between $25,000 and $75,000 annually. In 2024-25, all 6.5 million female taxpayers will receive an average tax cut of about $1,650, enhancing their financial returns from employment and supporting workforce participation.

Cost of Living Support

One of the significant focuses of this budget is to alleviate the cost of living pressures for Australians. The government has allocated:

  • $300 power bill relief for 10 million households.
  • $325 relief for small businesses.
  • $1.9 billion to increase rent assistance, providing more support to those struggling with housing costs.

Health and Aged Care

The budget also emphasizes improvements in health care and aged care services:

  • $2.8 billion investment in Medicare to enhance access to health services.
  • $2.2 billion allocated for aged care reforms aimed at improving the quality and availability of services for the elderly.

Education and Skills

Education is a crucial area of investment, with significant funds directed towards tertiary education and student debt relief:

  • $1.6 billion for reforms in tertiary education, ensuring that higher education remains accessible and affordable.
  • $3 billion dedicated to relieving student debt, providing financial relief to graduates.

Housing Initiatives

To address housing affordability and availability, the government has committed:

  • $6.2 billion towards various housing initiatives, aiming to increase the supply of affordable housing and support those in need.

Defence and National Security

A robust defense budget ensures national security and preparedness:

  • $50.3 billion investment over ten years, highlighting the government’s commitment to maintaining a strong defence force.

Clean Energy and Environment

Significant investments are made to support the transition to renewable energy and combat climate change:

  • $65 billion allocated for clean energy projects, enhancing the country’s renewable energy capacity and sustainability efforts.


The 2024-25 Australian Federal Budget reflects the government’s commitment to addressing critical issues such as cost of living, health care, education, housing, defense, and clean energy.

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